Air quotes girl
From the book
'A World of Mindfulness'
328 days of the year
Can you see the words hidden in her hair?
"They want bike lanes."
Wed. January 20, 2021
“I love you, and your father loves you.
Now go paint a masterpiece.”
"That must be the artist."
I think I'm "Wonder Who's at the Door" Woman.
Who are you?
"I get the open concept idea. I just don't think we need a watering hole."
From the book
5,203 Things To Do Instead of Looking At Your Phone
Put a cup in your mouth
Burn something
Harass a cat
Be a professional
Read 'The Symposium'
Explore eastern spiritual traditions
“I’m very happy you bought me and everything but remember, you’re responsible for your own happiness.”
That's my friend Vivian on the lower right.
She wanted a memory of her time in Amsterdam.
Do you know the Arnolfini Portrait
(It's also a teatowel)
Yoga Kids
Yoga Kids
Yoga Kids
Yoga Kids
Yoga Kids
Yoga Kids
Yoga Kids
Yoga Kids
I do family portraits
(no caption necessary)
Available in my *DIGITAL internet online shop*
Love doing Hidden Picture Puzzles with
Highlights Magazine
Sts-ailes project
See interactive version
See interactive version